After some time I analyze Pengunjungblog speed with Google Analytics, I decided to speed up loading as much as possible.
Of course I do a lot of techniques that will reduce loading time of this blog. I also noticed that YSlow score high for this blog. Google has said this, "The web should be fast."
I really want all of the websites provide a great user experience, one of which is indicated by the speed of your site. Yes, of course, the speed of a site is one of the SEO factors. While it is not too big.
Here are some ways that I do to speed up loading my blog. You should also read the posts in PSDesain Leo, it was quite nice post to multiply the ways you can take to speed up loading your blog.
1. CSS Sprites
In basic concept, speed up loading the blog can be improved by minimizing HTTP requests. Well, CSS sprites technique is to combine the css code for the image. Imagine using the theme that you use a lot of images, then your HTTP requests will also be many.
CSS Sprites technique combines many of the images in a single image. Then the image invoked by using the property backround position.
Many ways to implement it, ranging from using Photoshop software to use the services of SpriteMe. I use SpriteMe because it's easier. You can access it here.
2. Compressed with gzip
Implement Gzip is easy. You can enable this function by entering the following code in the file. Htaccess file:
By enabling Gzip then you can meminamalisir large files by 70% to 90%. I do not know exactly.
3. Sort Demand CSS and JS
Do not be confused! I see a lot of WordPress Themes that have been implemented this way. Developer theme usually have sorted. CSS is the best order is above JS.Jika theme you violate this rule, you'll want to fix the core theme.
4. Place the file in the same url (Consistent)
By putting the file in a consistent URL, the browser can download a parallel fashion. Such as your blog is, then you can put all your blog page file at or use a subdomain (such
Some Webmasters prefer to put their static files in subdomain. Youtube and Yahoo also use this method. If you're using WordPress you can maximize this way by putting this code in wp-config.php file
define ('WP_CONTENT_URL "," ");
define ('COOKIE_DOMAIN "," ");
5. Use the Plugin Cache
Lucky! I use wordpress as my blog platform. So many plugins that make it easy my blogging activities. There are also a lot of cache plugins, but I prefer the W3 Total Cache. Some friends prefer the super cache plugin. Which is best? I do not know.
W3 total cache plugin allows us to set how long expires header, leverage browser caching, enable Keep-Alive, and much more. Really, just activate this plugin and you will see your blog faster loading.
You can watch the video below how to set its w3 total cache plugin. And how fast this blog after the install.
Okay. Please you take the above ways. And good work to optimize the speed of your blog. But can you tell how fast this blog loading?
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