Senin, 03 Desember 2012


This time I will share Troubleshooting Tips Attractive HP Solution BlackBerry though eroded android, but the Blackberry is still a prima donna. this is thanks to the BlackBerry Messenger service (BBM) and push email. however, the sophistication of features and amenities that are offered BlackBerry celah'masalah'yang course there are still the most common is the performance of the trbilang wasteful batteries. other than that there are still many problems that users encounter when interacting with his favorite BB. and this is interesting for troubleshooting tips and solutions hp BlackBerry.

1. Addressing Battery Boros BlackBerry

you can do them, brightnessatau set screen brightness to a lower level, as well as turning off apps that are not in use, if it is not possible to change the network mode to 2G and use the Auto On-Of to automatically turn off the BlackBerry at night's rest.

2. Removing stubborn applications.

how to handle running the BlackBerry in the soft mode should solve the problem. how to press the right shift + alt + del simultaneously (soft reset) or unplug your BlackBerry battery and replace the (hard reset), then when the LED light turns red, quickly press the back button. hold the back button until it says BlackBerry logo and text on the screen, wait a while before release. if successful you will receive a notification on the home screen that confirms that the BlackBerry in a state save mode, select OK. Next you can install the BlackBerry bermasalah.setelah that restart in normal mode and problem solved.

3. Slow Browser Performance

one powerful way to overcome the slow speed of browser performance is to delete the cache and cookies from the browser. to do is open the browser, press the menu button> options> cache operation.anda can remove conten cache, cache and cookies conten pushed by pressing a virtual button labeled clear on layar.anda can clear browser history on this menu.

4. Restore Deleted Contacts fuel

if it never backs up BBM contacts, it seems it is almost impossible to do except to invite (invite) return your contacts one by one. to avoid such things happen, you have to get used to backup BBM contacts, so that it can restore whenever in need. This feature can be found in a way, get into BlackBerry Messenger application, press the menu button> Options> scroll using the trackpad / trackball down on the Backup Management.

5. BlackBerry Can not Send or Receive Email

help this problem you can submit a request configuration service book or can be known by the term Send Service Book. how to select the setup menu
> Email Accounts> Press the menu button> Service Book> click Send Service Book> click OK.jika successful you will receive a message on every email account that you are connecting
with BlackBerry are in use.

okay so just pull troubleshooting tips hp BlackBerry solution of interesting tips I hope this can be useful for the pal.

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