Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012


How often do you update the article on the blog? Every day? Two days? Once a week?

Frequency of update articles has always been the classic discussion (if you do not want to say stale), because after all even if you are frothing like John Chow tuk suggested that updates every day, all of it will die on how bloggers are concerned to see the blog from the perspective of each .

But at least there is one principle that a benchmark to assess how niatkah bloggers to continue to be consistent blogging. This principle was spelled out very often written by both veteran and blogger blogger yesterday afternoon. Want to know what is the principle?

The principle of it is passion.

Why? For this reason the following at random:

Without passion, you will quickly lose morale when the blog is not growing as expected.
Without passion, you'll be out of control and drifted blog writings with potential mainstream and forget yourself.
Without passion, you may never again feel ardently cultivate ideas into writing.
Without passion, anyone who reads your writing will be infected, the same alias lackluster with you.
Without passion, you will not want to read this article :)

And why passion is so important? Is not supposed to force myself constantly frowning tuk just blogging?

Well, here's the difference between a serious blogger and the only half-hearted.

Serious bloggers who have a passion to learn and a desire tuk enhance capability. Although aware of the ability to write less, he will continue to write. Despite knowing the knowledge of a blog platform below the standard, it will keep trying in various ways. Even if he still considers himself a newbie, he fully understands that the time will answer it all.

Well, what was the main fuel that makes the blogger continues to exist?

Again, the answer is: passion.

How do I find passion blogging?

It's easy. It was obvious from how often you write. Point.

Wow, that's all? Yes, look at the blogs that until now still exist, is there any striking similarities? Yup, blogs that are updated regularly and provide fresh content to the blogosphere. If you argue: ah, there is also why blogs are rarely updated but it remains high pagerank and frequent reference. Well, now I am wondering: what you want is something like that? If yes, then congratulations, you've passed the point where you no longer blogging passion trace :)

Here I am trying to emphasize is how blogging affects the rhythm of writing passion that makes you more productive. So, still want to be continued?

Ok, now we go on to issue a blogger productivity. If it's high and low valuation assumptions passion can be measured from the intensity of the writing, certainly among you all there and then think: What do get to write every day? That's a necessary idea?

Yes, absolutely. Posts with no idea as ngidul Ngalor path without knowing the intended direction. There is an idea to make our writing more structured, containing a clear arguments, and has a 'trigger wand' for readers to respond. The presence of an idea like the pole on which the principal reason for writing it was made. Also, as has been the norm, the level of availability of the idea to show the level of productivity of a blogger.

Finding ideas to be more productive

Where we are looking for ideas? Guns be far away, just look at our own. As I wrote in the article Exploring Secrets Blog Post Ideas That timeless, we can start with things that are just and we just knew. From the start of the biography, hobbies, things he wanted to know, and things that are despised. The pattern did not have to. We are free to determine the formation of its branches, as long as it is still associated with yourself.

Well, after knowing the points which can be promoted to an article, we create a mindmap to find factors 5W1H (what, who, where, when, why and how) in each draft article. The next step, start making realistic timetable for publication. For starters, the update is not what it once a week. Next, if the rhythm is just right, it can be upgraded twice a week, every other day, to every day.

Number of words had to adjust. For example, for the initial period, make-an article with 300 words. Later as more smooth outlines and depth discussion mindmap, an article with a 500-word minimum is ideal for a blog article.

How, worth a try, right?

If there are doubts, you should doubt your blogging passion. :)

Or, do you have another opinion you want to share here? Share, please.

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