Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


When you come in the Alexa Rank will certainly know the full rank reputable sites also blogs with the best ratings to the blog that is rated by the number of millions. Alexa rank is a reputable site that is able to provide the level of accuracy of the data is quite reliable so widely used as a standard for bloggers worldwide. Many of the benefits that can be learned by registering a blog through your registration here. At least through alexa we can always monitor the development blog that we manage day by day. Through this we hoped to be able to do miraculous things evalusai associated with efforts to increase the rating, ratings or popularity. A widget will we get for free to put on the blog all the time will show us how far we have achieved through the development ranks Shown the data.
Step Enrollment and registration on Alexa?

Guides and Tutorials Blogger is once again equipped with how to install the Alexa button and how to add html code to organize and beautify the appearance of the Alexa Traffic Rank Button to be obtained after the registration process.
Alexa: Please direct CLICK the following link
Register click the link "Register" located on the right top.
Register for an Account-1: click the "Register" (top-right).
? Email: Write an email address.
? Nickname: Write the name of the call (User Name).
? Full Name: Write the full name.
? Country: click to choose a place of residence (Indonesia).
? Register: click on "Register".
click the image above to see an example of the full registration!
Register for an Account-2 (Thank You!): Continue to CLICK "For Site Owners" located at the top of the center-right.
Site Owner Tools - Widgets: Continue with CLICK "Get Traffic Widgets" (located in the middle).
Alexa Traffic Rank Button-1: Write a blog address (URL) and lanjutkanKLIK "Build Widget".
Alexa Traffic Rank Button-2: Select any of the 3 (three) button provided by Small, Regular, Banner). Proceed with Copy code "Alexa Traffic Rank Button" Save Code.
How to Install the Alexa Rank traffict Button Widget?
Login to Blogger (login to Blogger): Use User Name / Email Address and Password (Password).
Dashboard (Dashboard): There are a lot of links / menu Dasboard this page, CLICK the link and choose Layout / Design (Layout / Design).
Layout / Design (Layout / Design): When Entering Layout, sampeyan will be directly taken to the Page Element / Page Elements. From this code traffict Alexa Rank Button widget will be saved.
Add Gadget (Add a Gadget): CLICK "Add a Gadget".
HTML / Javascript: CLICK "HTML / Javascript".
Paste code: Put the code traffict Alexa Rank Button widget in the box.
SAVE (Save): CLICK "Save". View Alexa widget that has been installed by opening a blog.

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